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One of a Kind

Client: University Hospital Bristol and Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham, Jancis Kinsman 


Purpose: To  explain the radiotherapy process for families and children and to ease worry.


Outcome The film involved interviews with children who received radiotherapy at the Bristol Haemotology and Oncology Centre (BHOC).  The director visited the hospital, shadowed radiotherapists and families, recorded sounds and interviews and made this film showing the radiotherapy journey.  It is now used in a number of hospitals in the UK and around the world to help ease worry and give information to children going for radiotherapy. Produced by Aardman animations and ArthurCox Ltd, directed by Emma Lazenby (our CEO).  


Feedback: The film is a valuable tool for preparing children and their families for radiotherapy and complements the wonderful work already done by specialist paediatric radiographers, oncologists and play specialists around the country.” Jancis Kinsman, advanced practice therapy radiographer at the Bristol Haemotology & Oncology Centre (BHOC)

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